On 15 April 1994, CC Clary was flying a reconnaissance mission over Bosnia when his Etendard IVPM was hit by a surface-to-air missile. Despite severe damage and limited control, he managed to return to his carrier and land the aircraft without further damage. On 15 April 1994, CC Clary was flying...
Flottille 12.F was the first unit to receive Dassault's newest fighter. The first aircraft arrived in 2001, and the unit was declared operational in 2004. Flottille 12.F was the first unit to...
With its flaps, landing gear and tailhook lowered, a F4U-7 “Corsair” of Flottille 14.F begins the last part of its approach on its aircraft carrier. On the fighter's fin can be seen the “One-Eyed Corsair” symbol of the unit. With its flaps, landing gear and...