A promising young fighter pilot, René Pomier-Layrargues flew the Dewoitine D.520 during the Battle of France. On 5 June 1940, he encountered the German ace of aces Werner Mölders near Compiègne and shot him down as well as one of his wingmen, before being shot down himself. A promising young fighter pilot, René...
The Farman 223-4 was the first Allied aircraft to bomb Berlin in World War II. It was initially designed as a transatlantic postal aircraft for Air France, but three aircraft were acquired by the French navy. One of these, nicknamed the “Jules Verne”, was modified in April 1940 as a makeshift strategic bomber under the direction of Capitaine de Corvette... The Farman 223-4 was the first Allied...
In the afternoon of June 5, 1940, Werner Mölders, Germany's ace of aces with 25 aerial victories and Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG 53, led his unit on patrol over France. Spotting a group of French fighters near Compiègne, he gave the signal for the attack, expecting an easy victory. In the afternoon of June 5, 1940,...